Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ode to the Stale Wedge of Quesadilla on the Bathroom Towel Shelf

When I saw you
I knew what kind of day it was

How did you make it so far from the kitchen
Only to be abandoned before fulfilling your purpose?

I didn't look at you in disgust
Only sympathy

1 comment:

  1. This was the fate of the Wedge...

    It began
    In the hand of the son
    who ate none
    but held it
    all the way after the
    TV had been stopped
    all the way up to the bathroom
    where it was set
    upon the toilet tank
    to be finished later?


    But no!
    verily another came to it.
    and took a nibble
    but the father snatched and warned against another bite
    there were tears
    but then it was tossed
    to where the garbage
    should be
    but wasn't

    until you saw it.


    not bad
    for a burnt Quesadilla
