Monday, February 7, 2011

39 x 3

Not all of the entries have pictures

But they at least have a name

Most have an age

And many have the way they died

The only woman I can find on the page

Has enviable dark eyes, beautiful curls

She was hit in the back of the head with a bat

I count up how many rows and how many columns

Then Multiply

There are 117 total if the site is up to date

Maybe that's not too many

Maybe we'll look back and say, "Less than 150. And then it was okay."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who is Your God?

Your God is an art god

Mine is a work god

Or perhaps they are both gods

In service of some larger God

Too big for me to conceive

The head of a multiplanal, parallelotastic universexistence

Sleep Poem for Quinn on His 6th Birthday

You're on a trampoline of cupcakes

Four tiny kangaroos are gently bouncing you

Above there is a flock pterodactyls
They are calling 'caw caw'

Blink them away, one at a time

"But how many are there?"

There are 100