Monday, January 10, 2011

You Could Use a Good Kiss

You Could Use a Good Kiss (Strangled Love)

I stayed up all night Watching an old movie with her
I was thinking it was all too easy
But I’m going to freeze before I reach the first marker
Because her temperature is dropping too rapidly                (Han yells “YAH!”)

It’s snowing in the Hoth of my Heart
But in her eyes it’s all cloud city
And I’ve got a bad feeling about the next part
This movie is going to end shitty
The computer in her head runs all night long
As I hunt for her love like a bounty
But if I’m going to get her out of this swamp
She’s going to have to believe me                     (Artoo yells as he gets spit out)

I can’t just fly you out at the speed of light
Go somewhere where we can’t be detected
We can’t hide from each other in plain sight
Where our egos can stay quite well protected     (Carbonite beeps and whistles)
Id travel a million parsecs through the frigid cold
I’d even give you my right hand
But please don’t put me in the cargo hold (put put put put)
I just want to be your man    (put captain solo in the cargo hold)

It’s snowing in the Hoth of my Heart
But in her eyes it’s all cloud city
And I’ve got a bad feeling about the next part
This movie is going to end shitty
So as I shut down the movie Leaving our heroes stranded
I turn to her in attack position
My love is approaching! My love has just landed!         (Vader breathing)
and she’s in perfect hibernation                                   (Ugnaughts grunting)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Someday soon, lines will become a gimmick.

I am a nobody.  I have never done anything.  I have nothing to say.  I have no audience, no listeners.  I am an orphan.

I just saw "Exit through the Gift shop"  alternate title "Those grapes are sour."

At some point yesterday I found that my random lines were suddenly far more interesting than my intentional ones.  I reached a dip in my mojo.

I thought this would be a good place and time to explore this creative block.  To gather information that would perhaps help me in the future when I inevitably get back to this point again.

How long has it been since I produced an art work I really thought was good?

Jeez, over a year?  I remember this time last year I was starting to get into animation. Or Two years since I switched from guitar to playing organ.  Or three years since...Well...I get it.  I need to persevere.

So I force it.  I'm drawing now.  I'm re-doing a sketch Mother made a few days ago about the "Kingdom of ART"...

a dip of the pen to catalyze the solution of the dip in the mojo?

More on this to come...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kids Did It

Every month
In National Geographic World Magazine

There were pre-teen ballerinas
And pint-size entrepreneurs

Kids who turned garbage into electricity
And prodigies who wrote symphonies with calculus

And I was just a fourth grader
With nothing to show for it

Some well-meaning editors
Probably thought the profiles were inspiring

I'd hate to think
They meant to rub it in

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ode to the Stale Wedge of Quesadilla on the Bathroom Towel Shelf

When I saw you
I knew what kind of day it was

How did you make it so far from the kitchen
Only to be abandoned before fulfilling your purpose?

I didn't look at you in disgust
Only sympathy

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Note to selves...

First off...Let's post something every day...

Also, Write a story about a baseball manager based on "The Tempest".  Call it "Rained Out"...

Lastly, but most importantly, Happy Twelfth Wedding Anniversary to each other.  We have a lot to be happy about.